


The overarching aim of the Biology Curriculum is to provide biology-related learning experiences that enable students to develop scientific literacy, so that they can participate actively in our rapidly changing knowledge-based society, prepare for further studies or careers in the fields related to life science, and become lifelong learners in science and technology.


The broad aims of the Biology Curriculum are to enable students to:

  1. develop and maintain an interest in biology, a sense of wonder and curiosity about the living world, and a respect for all living things and the environment;
  2. construct and apply knowledge of biology, understand the nature of science in biology-related contexts, and appreciate the relationships between biological science and other disciplines;
  3. develop the ability to make scientific inquiries; think scientifically, critically and creatively; and solve biology-related problems individually and collaboratively;
  4. understand the language of science and communicate ideas and views on biology-related issues;
  5. be aware of the social, ethical, economic, environmental and technological implications of biology, and be able to make informed decisions and judgments on biology-related issues; and
  6. develop an attitude of responsible citizenship, and a commitment to promote personal and community health.

S.4 Compulsory Part
  1. Cells and Molecules of Life
    1. Molecules of life
    2. Cellular organization
    3. Movement of substances across membrane
    4. Cell cycle and division
    5. Cellular energetic
  2. Organisms and Environment
    1. Essential life processes in plants
    2. Essential life processes in animals
    3. Reproduction, growth and development
    4. Coordination and response
    5. Homeostasis
    6. Ecosystems
S.5 Compulsory Part
  1. Health and Diseases
    1. Personal health
    2. Diseases
    3. Body defence mechanisms
  2. Genetics and Evolution
    1. Basic genetics
    2. Molecular genetics
    3. Biodiversity and evolution

Scientific Investigations / SBA

S.6 Elective Part
  1. Human Physiology: Regulation and Control
    1. Regulation of water content (osmoregulation)
    2. Regulation of body temperature
    3. Regulation of gas content in blood
    4. Hormonal control of reproductive cycle
  2. Applied Ecology
    1. Human impact on the environment
    2. Pollution control
    3. Conservation
    4. Global issues

Component Weighting Duration
Public examination Paper 1 Compulsory Part 60% 2 12 hours
Paper 2 Elective Part 20% 1 hour
School-based assessment (SBA) 20%

Field Trip