Visual Arts
Vision and mission of art education
Developing students' aesthetic and artistic potential, and nurture their values and attitudes, so that students are better prepared for themselves and Hong Kong's future development.
Overall Aims of Arts Curriculum
- Enrich their aesthetics and arts experience;
- Strengthen their abilities to appreciate and create various forms of visual arts work aesthetically and critically;
- Develop perceptual abilities, generic skills, multiple perspectives and metacognition through autonomous and open-ended processes of enquiry in art learning;
- Enhance cultural and cross-cultural understanding through exploration of the art of diverse cultures;
- Cultivate personal refinement, positive values and attitudes, self-identity and a sense of commitment towards the community, the nation and the world; and
- Acquire a foundation for pursuing education and career opportunities in the art and creative industries.
Course structure and implementation
4 learning targets:
- Cultivate creativity and imagination
- Develop skills and processes
- Cultivate the ability to appreciate art
- And the context of understanding art
The setting of the four learning targets will help to achieve the curriculum objectives of the arts education. The learning objectives are the core of the curriculum. They are closely interrelated and complement each other.
Students’ abilities are enhanced gradually in accordance with the progression of learning stages. Appropriate learning objectives and activities are provided in accordance with students’ levels of ability, learning needs and the learning and teaching context.
Course features and development
- Student-oriented, encourage the use of different materials, artistic language and media to experience and express art;
- The process focuses on exploration and experimentation;
- Diversified domains and themes bring varied learning activities and experiences;
- Guide students to analyze, discuss and appreciate artwork;
- Strengthen cross-learning collaboration, pursue better understandings of the relationship among the visual arts, societies and cultures; and
- Promote e-learning and develop students' self-regulated learning and lifelong learning capabilities
Classes and sessions
S1 | S2 | S3 | S4 | S5 | S6 | |
No. of Art Classes / classes in the school | 4/4 | 4/4 | 4/4 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
No. of sessions per cycle | 2 | 2 | 1 | 6 | 6 | 6 |
Adopt diversified and continuous assessment to promote diversified learning, explore students’ diversified abilities and evaluate students’ progress
S1-S3: Performance Score (Artworks) 100%
(Bonus mark))
S4: School-based Assessment and Performance Score (Artworks) 100%
- Visual Arts Online Classroom provides an announcement and interactive platform, equipped with teaching videos and other teaching resources to encourage self-regulated learning;
- Art Gallery (first floor) display student works regularly, beautify the campus and build an artistic atmosphere; and
- Extracurricular activities (art club and decoration group) can improve students' artistic quality, cultivate the leadership ability and assist in the implementation of activities.
Event & Photo
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3D Text Maker |
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熱門藝術網 | 提供多元化藝術資訊 |